Ganghoe (강회, pronounced “gahng-hwae”) is a term for lightly parboiled vegetables like minari or fresh young spring onions, both of which have an unmistakable aroma particularly in the spring. Ganghoe vegetables are often used for wrapping slices of meat or egg together with pinenuts and eaten as an anju (안주, drinking food). Minari (미나리, water dropwort, or water celery) ganghoe is a gentle preparation that still delivers the characteristic bright, almost-celery flavors of minari. You can eat it alone or pair it with any kind of sukhoe.

1 bunch minari
water for blanching
pinch of salt (optional)
1. Heat enough water in a pot to fully cover the minari.
2. Meanwhile, trim the leaves from the
minari, leaving the large stems remaining.
3. When the water comes to a boil, add a pinch of salt for a brighter color (optional). Add the minari to the pot starting from the thick ends and gradually submerge the rest of the stems. Blanch until they get soft but not mushy. The minari should still have some texture, something to bite into.
4. Once it’s cooked, take out the minari and shock with cold running water or an ice water bath to stop any further cooking and prevent discoloring. Cut off any tough, fibrous ends.
5. To tie: fold the stems into 5cm (2in) loops. Use the last few centimeters to wrap around the center, tucking the very end under the center tie (for you knot nerds out there, the end result will look something like a gasket coil).
6. Serve at room temperature or cold with chojang (초장, vinegared gochujang).