Sometime in November, or maybe early December, depending on the temperatures, Korean families will set aside a weekend for gimjang (김장), the annual kimchi-making.
travel around Korea
A visit to jang Master Ki Soon-do
Back in the day, every household would make their own jang, those essential fermented condiments that season just about every dish in Korean cuisine.
bburi trip: Sorae Port, Incheon
Hi! Sonja here. Seoyoung and I both live in Seoul, which has its own great fish market, but this day we decided to head 45 minutes westward to Sorae Port (소래포구) in Incheon.
bburi trips: Jangheung, the deep south
Hi, Sonja here. I’ll be blogging about the trips Seoyoung and I take under the tag “trips,” starting with our very first trip: A five-hour bus ride to the far southern coast of Korea.